
Hurry Less, Achieve More: Why Slowing Down Wins

Hurry Less, Achieve More: Why Slowing Down Wins


Are you constantly consumed by work, feeling like you’re always on the go and never really able to switch off? If so, you might be addicted to doing, caught in a never-ending cycle that prioritizes activity over simply being. This thought-provoking episode delves into the alarming rise of workaholism and explores what it means to be a human “doing” rather than a human being.

Join us as we delve into the importance of rest and why it is not just a luxury but a necessary component for creativity, productivity, and overall well-being. Whether you consider yourself a seasoned workaholic or simply feel the pressures of the modern work environment, this episode serves as a vital guide to understand the significance of rest and how to truly switch off.

Our guest, Sope, is a renowned executive coach, international speaker, and the founder of MindsetShift. With his unique ability to help clients gain clarity, shift perspectives, and install new mindsets, he has enabled individuals to confidently navigate ambiguity and complexity in order to achieve goals they once thought were impossible.

During this conversation, Sope discusses a range of topics, including:

– The dangers of being addicted to doing
– The lack of correlation between hours spent in the office and productivity
– Why modeling rest is essential
– The challenges of being a bottleneck leader
– How doing less can actually lead to increased productivity
– Questioning who is really chasing you
– Strategies for switching off and finding true rest

To learn more about Sope and his work, visit his website at http://www.mindsetshift.co.uk. You can also connect with him on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/sopeagbelusi/, LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sopeagbelusi/, and Twitter at https://twitter.com/sopeagbelusi. For any inquiries or to get in touch, you can reach out to him via email at hello@mindsetshift.co.uk.

Don’t forget to watch the full episodes on YouTube to gain even more valuable insights and information.

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